Monday, September 30, 2019

Controlling Police Through Litigation Essay

Police departments draft and implement policies and procedures to provide consistency and eliminate ambiguity in department practices. These are guidelines are for staff and officers to follow in a variety of different situations. Police policies and procedures may have the force of law, or be considered by a court or jury in determining whether an officer acted lawfully in the line of duty. Procedures related to employee actions can also be subject to legal scrutiny in some cases. A lack of policies on issues involving the community may result in unlawful and inconsistent police action. These adverse actions can create a negative reaction within the community, and open the police officers within the department to legal liability. Michael Lyman quoted Section 1983, â€Å"Every person under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any state or territory, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or any other person within the jurisd iction thereof to the depravation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.† (pg. 270) Basically, this means that police officers are prohibited from violating any person’s civil rights. Section 1983 is a tool for a citizen to use to sue another for a violation of civil rights. Some elements must be met in order to be subject to liability through Section 1983. First, he questionable liability or violator of Section 1983 must be a â€Å"person†. A police department, state agency, or other legal entity, cannot be subject to liability under the statute. Second, the liable â€Å"person† must have been acting under the color of authority when the accused violation took place. A police officer who unlawfully beats a suspect in the commission of an arrest would be acting under the color of law. Finally, the accuser does not have to prove that the â€Å"person† intended to deprive him/her of their Constitutional rights, but only that there was a deprivation. For example, a subject who was beaten by a police officer can sue that officer for excessive force, without proving it was the officer’s intention to violate his rights, but only that the officer intended to beat him. In some cases an officer’s supervisor can be held liable because he/she is responsible for the negligence of that officer. This is known as vicarious liability, or â€Å"imputed negligence† ( For example, a gang member who shoots and kills another person during a hold-up is responsible for the murder, but other gang members may be held vicariously liable for the same murder. There are several different types of defense for civil suits, and also persons who are immune to the liability in question. There are three types of immunity, they are: absolute immunity, quasi-judicial immunity, and qualified immunity. Michael Lyman lists judges, prosecutors, and legislators, as those who enjoy absolute immunity during civil liability suits (Lyman pg. 272). Lyman also reminds us that police officers and witnesses can obtain absolute immunity while testifying during a criminal trial, but if found providing false testimony, may be charged with perjury. Persons within a department, performing his/her duties as assigned, during the alleged time of a Section 1983 violation, and not involved in the violation, obtain quasi-judicial immunity. Quasi-judicial immunity is provided to prosecutors who are actively involved in the trial of a person. Qualified immunity is provided to federal law enforcement officials who are accused of violating laws that have not been clearly established. If a question of liability arises, but a federal law enforcement official is later found to be acting in an â€Å"objectively reasonable manner† he/she obtains qualified immunity (Lyman pg 273). References Vicarious Liability. (n.d.) West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008). Retrieved September 30 2012 from Lyman, Michael D (2010). The Police: An Introduction. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Business Across Borders Essay

In the business world today, borders are blending and multi-national mergers are causing many company nationalities to become indistinct. As the globalization of markets rapidly increases, many companies are finding international expansion a necessity of competition. North America is greatly affected by this movement towards a global market, and many companies are finding it extremely important to adapt to other cultures. Favorable trade agreements and explosive growth of the middle class in countries once considered underdeveloped have both been important factors in the rush towards globalization. However, the most important factor in increased globalization has been technological advancements, including new transportation and information technologies. Presentation of information is more frequently processed by members of a virtual team – a work group not necessarily in the same geographical location. With the proliferation of e-mail, videoconferencing, fax machine, and the telephone, virtual teaming is becoming increasingly efficient. The most considerable obstructions to successful international marketing involve misinterpretations and contrary views resulting from cultural differences. Being both aware of some of these issues and prepared to make the necessary accommodations can save companies time, effort, and a considerable amount of money. Exploring Context Context is described as the most important dimension of culture and yet is the most difficult to define. Context refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambiance surrounding an event. Communication styles and business practices as a whole are often identified with the context of a country. North American, Scandinavian, and German communicators are generally considered to be low-context cultures. They expect a high level of detail in their visua,l verbal and written communication. Low-context cultures tend to  be analytical, logical and find words and contracts very important. Individualism, freedom and personal achievement are highly valued by these cultures. High-context cultures, such as Japan, China, Arabia, tend to assume the receiver does not need much background. Information and words are not as important as what is surrounding the situation. They are more aware of a communicator’s status, interpersonal relationships, the setting, and ambiance when conducting business relations. In general, tradition and social customs are more important in high-context cultures. These cultures emphasize membership in organizations and groups. Because they avoid confrontation, they frown upon individual decision making and prefer consensus. Relationships In many countries personal relationships are the key to success. It is important to not expect to get down to business right away, but rather get to know a person first. In Mexico, for example, business deals are only made with friends, so one must develop a friendship with any business partner. It is considered polite to ask personal questions about family, and also to answer any questions about your family. Discussions are warm and friendly. In Japan it is unlikely to get very far without connections. Carefully chosen intermediaries are a necessity. Not only will the Japanese feel obliged to be loyal to them, but rank of one’s associates will determine their status as well. A Japanese businessman will always consult within his group before making a decision. Because of their intense loyalty, one’s identity is subsumed into the group. It is important to never single out a Japanese counterpart, even for praise or encouragement. Contrarily, the Spaniards have a hierarchy style of management and it is best to deal with â€Å"el jefe† or â€Å"el pardon†-the one who will be making the decision. Spaniards also will expect whomever they are dealing with to have decisions-making authority. Saving Face When dealing with Spain or most Asian cultures, it is also critical to understand the concept of â€Å"saving face†. Any loss of control of emotions or embarrassment is considered disastrous in business negotiations in these cultures. Honor and personal pride mean everything and they must not be insulted. Because of this attitude it is very important to carefully prepare presentations so that they are easy for the audience to understand. Paying close attention to determine if anything is misunderstood during the presentation is also a must. Because of this concept of â€Å"saving face† the presenter will not know if they are having difficulties. Close attention must be paid to conversations in order to discern the sincerity of what is being said. In Japan, a deal is never refused directly, and any dealings with Japanese business culture should remain indirect. Business Cards In nearly all countries, it is important that business cards be printed one side in English, and the other in their language. When presenting the card, it should be presented with their language facing the recipient. In Japan, the exchange of business cards is not to be taken lightly. When you receive the card of a Japanese businessman, be sure to make a show of examining it carefully and then making a remark about the card. Ask any questions about anything on the card which is difficult to pronounce or understand. The card should then be placed in a case or on a near by table. A card shouldn’t be shoved into a pocket or be written on. Concepts of Time Time orientation is an important cultural difference that Americans must pay close attention to. In America, time is viewed as a precious commodity. Time is related with productivity, efficiency, and money. Many other countries have a much more relaxed perception of time. They take their time, and enjoy it. In Mexico you can ask if a scheduled appointment is â€Å"en punto† (the precise time), or â€Å"mas o menos†. â€Å"Mas o menos† appointments are often scheduled a half an hour to an hour before the actual time. With both  Mexican and Japanese cultures it is also important not to expect instant results. Plenty of time should be allowed for contemplation and decision making. In Mexico it is important to adjust any expectations regarding deadlines and efficiency. Conclusion Doing business over borders and through time zones has become commonplace in the twenty-first century. Technological advancements in communication and travel make it possible to do business across the globe almost instantaneously. Doing business with multiple cultures can be a challenging venture. International communication skills of an organization can determine success or failure. In order to interact with different cultures, it is necessary to understand the basic characteristics of the culture. This type of understanding helps to make adjustments and accommodations. We must rid our minds of pre-conceived notions, stereotypes, and prejudices. It is imperative that one be knowledgeable about such topics as: context, traditions, social rules, etc. It is equally important to possess competent listening skills and to be aware of one’s own nonverbal messages. The ability to adapt to an intercultural perspective is probably one of the most crucial aspects of doing business in today’s â€Å"global village†. Bibliography Sellin, Robert H. J and Elaine Winters. Cultural Issues in Business Communication. Berkeley: Program Facilitating and Consulting, 2000. Guffey, Mary Ellen. Business Communication: Process and Product, 4th ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western, 2003 â€Å"Etiquette and Local Customs†. The Traveler’s Yellow Pages Online. InfoServices International, Inc., 2002 â€Å"What to Know Before Negotiting† Execitive

Saturday, September 28, 2019

War of 1812 Movie Notes

Why was this insulting to America? When was it rescinded? Orders of Council were British laws requiring all ships wishing to trade with Europe to stop in a British port first. America had been a free democratic- republic nation and resorting to pay tax to Britain for international trade with Europe was outrageous. The Orders of Council were rescinded in 1812 two days before the U. S. declared war. 7. Why did America want to invade Canada?Democratic-republicans wanted Canada to expand the Agrarian republic. 8. What role did Native Americans have in this period? What was the belief among Indians regarding their role in America? Americans wanted expansion into territories controlled by Native Americans. The Whites distribute land to Native Americans to have them fight each other but Native Americans have never resorted to such tactics. 9. How many people moved westward in this time period and why would they move west? Over four hundred Native Americans moved westward in order to settle after he Louisiana Purchase. 10. Who was Tecumseh and Takatawana?Why were they important? Tecumseh and Takatawana decided that the time to act was now and gathered followers, urging them to give up textile clothing for traditional buckskin garments, arguing for the Indian's to not acknowledge the Whiteman's â€Å"ownership† of land, and urging that no Indian should cede control of land to whites. 11. How did the U. S. respond to the Indian threat? How did they believe the British were involved with the Indians? Americans responded to this threat with raging violence. They elieved the British to be supplying weapons to the Indians and influencing Tecumseh. 12.Who was William Henry Harrison and what happened at the Battle of advanced upon Tecumseh's headquarters at Tippecanoe, killed the Prophet, and burned the camp to the ground. His famous slaughter earned him vast fame and made him president in 1840. 13. How does the vote to go to war highlight sectional differences? How clo se was the vote to go to war? Why do you believe this occurred? New England, which was still making lots of money, damned the war for a free sea, and Federalists opposed the war because they were more inclined toward Britain nyway and Canada was conquered, it would add more agrarian land and increase Republican supporters.

Friday, September 27, 2019

(Real)Assessment of the Higher Education Administration Program at Research Paper

(Real)Assessment of the Higher Education Administration Program at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University - Research Paper Example The aim of the college is to train highly skilled experts from varied backgrounds, for organizations both out of and in education, who have the same profound concern for the condition of human beings. Most academic programs in Peabody College consist of a powerful practice orientation. The college admits over 1,200 undergraduates and over 600 professional or graduate students, with the full-time teaching staff numbering 125. Many teaching faculty members are great leaders of professional organizations, are scholarly journals editors’ while others are recognized nationally for their research (â€Å"Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt,† 2010). The college’s twelve faculty members are holders of named, conferred professorships. The faculty has five departments namely department of Psychology and Human Development; department of Special Education; department of Human and Organizational Development; department of Teaching and Learning; and department of Lead ership, Policy, Organizations (Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt, 2010). This paper gives an assessment of Peabody College’s Higher Education Administration Program. ... The college received the last accredition in 2007 and will receive the next interim report on March 2013 (â€Å"Vanderbilt University Accreditation,† 2010). Every year, the United States’ News & World Report reviews Peabody College externally vis-a-vis other graduate schools of education. The report indicates that for the last one and a half decade, the college has held a top ten position. The report also indicated that for 2012, the college was in the top spot among the national graduate school of education and that this was the third successive year. Additionally, Peabody College consistently scores highly for student selectivity, a large quantity of funded research, and a low student-to-faculty ratio. Peabody, among the first five schools, has the largest number of programs incorporated in the specialty rankings of United States’ News & World Report (â€Å"Vanderbilt University's Peabody College of Education and Human Development,† 2011). The United Sta tes’ News & World Report further indicates that Peabody attained nine points up ahead of its closest competitor with a general score of one hundred, with programs in Special Education along with Administration/Supervision being number one in the rankings. Other recognized programs were programs in Elementary Education and Educational Psychology, which were ranked fourth; programs in Education Policy, which were ranked fifth; programs in Instruction/Curriculum, which were ranked eighth; and programs in Higher Education Administration, which were ranked ninth. The yearly rankings of graduate schools are derived from surveys of about 13,000 academics and over 1,200 programs carried out in fall 2010 while individual program rankings are derived from deans of graduate studies and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Rhetoric of the Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rhetoric of the Image - Essay Example The image may be frank or empathetic depending on the user and the message needed to be passed across (269). To understand and get the meaning of the image in a piece of work, knowledge of signs is important especially in the advertising field. Any image may denote a coded message, a linguistic message, or a non-coded iconic message and require a lot of reading to separate the meaning. The image may contain a cultural and a perpetual message in which the image has the literal meaning as depicted by the symbols. The linguistic message forms images that do not contain any words, and one would need to revisit illiterate societies to get the pictographic meaning of the image. For example, the appearance of a book cover is an image with a lot of meanings and may depict some of the information contained in the book (273). The linguistic message is present in almost all the images especially in the field of mass communication such as the title, caption, and comic strip. There are two functions of the linguistic message in the iconic message, which are the anchorage and the relay. All images contain signs that the reader need to choose while ignoring others as in every society there are various techniques to resolve various signs. The linguistic message is one of the techniques to counter the challenge. For symbolic messages, linguistic does not play any part in the identification but can aid in the interpretation to give a meaning of the image. In other cases, the anchorage may be ideological suc h as in Advertisements and its purpose is to direct the readers and enable them to avoid some and receive other through dispatching them. Anchorage is very common in press photographs and advertisements in which the function of the relay is not common such as in cartoons and comic strips (274). The denoted image allows for the distinction between the literal message and the symbolic

Interpersonal Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example The loathing effect is expressed even by her staffs who call her a witch when she is not around. She is a person who would give all for career and has no time for friendship or relationships. Outside the office, Margaret Tate is a woman who lives in her life. She is lonely as she has no time and traits for friendship. Her executive assistant, Andrew Paxton, is an ambitious individual who has a dream of becoming an outstanding editor. His stay as Margarets executive assistant is not easy since he loathes her as any other staff in the office. Besides, he has served Margaret Tate for three- years with the primary intention being to see his dream come true. One day Margaret learns that she cannot serve her capacity as the senior editor anymore; not because of her incompetence but out of her work visa expiration. The company board chair feels that she cannot continue with her job since she is to be deported to Canada. As she still tries to take in the news, Andrew appearance saves her day . In her smartness, she thinks quickly and tells Bergen, the board chair, that she is engaged to Andrew, and they are getting married soon. She later convinces Andrew that she will promote him to the editors post if he agrees to the proposal. In addition, she guarantees Andrew that his manuscript that he gave her to read will be published if the deal goes through. Andrew being a man of big dreams sees the deal as an opportunity to his success and agrees to it. After all, Margaret had convinced him that letting her lose the job would mean he also was going to be jobless. Mr. Gilbertson, an United States of American immigration agent, suspects that the two are up to committing fraud. He calls them for questioning and gives them time after which they will be asked questions differently, of which, failure to match will lead to heavy punishments. The couple traveled to Alaska to meet Andrews parents, a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

In class short essay- cl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In class short - cl - Essay Example ankine, opens an account of casual racism that is delivered in the second person in a unique informal move where the use of â€Å"you† by the speaker is fluid. In most of the cases, it is the speaker herself, but in some instances, it involves the reader or a different character with haunting results. The poetic form in this work can be considered as a manifestation of the divide that is evident in American lives in regards to invisible racism and other aspects. In the poem Brain on ice, terms like â€Å"terrorized† and â€Å"horror† portray a fierce and passionate mood in the perception of the narrator on the El Train, with the line â€Å"Of being robbed, stabbed, raped† honing the superimposed theme of the poem (Warr). The narration of the poem starts with an account of the El Train experience with the narrator making himself the terrorist in the view of other people regardless of being innately innocent. What makes the poem interesting is the fact that it does not have a predictable direction and its language creates open metaphors including the empty seat that it refers to as â€Å"undefiled seat† (Warr). The seat is not dirty since in the thoughts of the author, all the introverts and withdrawn passengers will perceive the individual who sits on it as being possibly dirty. Fear is usually impractical and based on a lacking of knowledge, and the poet is aware of this as well as the fact that human beings are not able to escape it. Conversely, in the Black Tar, as Son and Jadine come together, the involvement separates the impressions as well as self-deceptions that were holding together the world as well as how people related with each other at the estate. They journey back to the US to seek a place where they will have a sense of belonging only to discover that their homes have spite for each other. The author writes in what can be considered as black vernacular while borrowing figures of speech and phrases that are exclusive to the community where she was

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi - Essay Example It occupies strtegic loction in South si for interntionl trde. With n re of 3.3 million squre km, Indi is the second lrgest country in si nd the seventh lrgest in the world. former British colony, Indi hs emerged s the lrgest democrcy in the world since independence in 1947. Indi is the birthplce of three of the world's min religions: Hinduism (bout 7000 yers BC), Buddhism (487 BC) nd Sikhism (1699 D). Indin society comprises six min religious groups: Hindus (83.2 per cent), Muslims (11 per cent), Sikhs (2 per cent), Christins (2 per cent), Jins nd Buddhists (less thn 1 per cent). There re over three thousnd cstes. Indi hs 179 lnguges nd 544 dilects. The Constitution recognises sixteen lnguges, Hindi nd English being the two officil lnguges. Indi hs one of the lrgest English-speking popultions in the si-Pcific region. The litercy rte for those over 15 yers of ge is 51 per cent, but litercy is unevenly distributed (Budhwr, 2000). These fcts show the diverse nture of the Indin workforce. Though rich in culture nd nturl resources, Indi currently fces number of problems: politicl nd religious instbility; ever-incresing levels of popultion; unemployment nd poverty; corruption in government offices; cstism; low per cpit income; instbility of output in griculture nd relted sectors; slow privtistion of the bloted public sector; lck of dequte intellectul property protection; excessive bureucrcy; nd n incresing gp between rich nd poor. The level of corruption in politics is rpidly rising. fter independence, the government set up 'Plnning Commission' in 1950 to formulte ntionl plns. Since then (till erly 1990s) 'mixed economy' pproch (emphsising both privte nd public enterprise) hs been dopted. Economic plnning is minly crried out through the five-yer plns nd industril policies. Presently, the ninth five yer-pln nd the industril policy begun in 1991 re in progress (see Dtt nd Sundhrm, 1999). The next section further highlights the present dynmic business environment nd the chllenges it hs creted for the HR function in Indi. Economic crisis nd liberlistion of Indin economy Despite the formlities of plnning, the Indin economy reched its ndir in 1991. It witnessed double digit rte of infltion, decelerted industril production, fiscl indiscipline, very high rtio of borrowing to the GNP (both internl nd externl) nd dismlly low level of foreign exchnge reserves. Foreign reserves hd become so low tht they were brely sufficient to meet the cost of three weeks' imports (Budhwr, 2001). The Indin government ws forced to pledge gold to the Bnk of Englnd to meet the country's foreign exchnge requirements. The World Bnk nd the IMF greed to bil out Indi on the condition tht it chnged to 'free mrket economy' from regulted regime. To meet the chllenges, the government nnounced series of economic policies beginning with the devlution of the rupee, followed by new industril policy nd fiscl nd trde policies. number of reforms were undertken in the public sector, in trde nd exchnge policy, in the bnking sector, nd foreign investment ws liberlised. Liberlistion of policies hs resulted in huge increse in competition for Indin firms with foreign firms. In ddition, Indin firms re now under gret pressure to chnge from indigenous, costly nd probbly less effective technology to high, more effective nd costly technology (Venkt Rtnm,

Monday, September 23, 2019

HRM of Apple Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

HRM of Apple Company - Assignment Example The organization chosen for this coursework assignment is Apple Company. This organization is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics and personal computers. The most famous products of the company are Macintosh computers, iPods, iPad, iPhones, etc.It was established in Cupertino, California on April 1, in the year 1976 and incorporated on January 3rd in the year 1977. The company was called as Apple Computer, Inc. for nearly 30 years of its incorporation and later computer was removed from the company’s name for its ongoing expansion in designing and producing new products. The company by the year 2010 has nearly 284 retail stores operating in ten countries and an online store where the software and hardware products are sold. It also sells and delivers digital content through its application stores. The products are sold through worldwide retail stores, online stores, and direct sales force, other third parties, and value-adde d resellers. This company ranks as the tenth largest company in the world. This organization has employed 80,000 people worldwide of which majority hail from the US. Apple Company serves its customers by offering a broader range of services and products which include mobile communication and other technological and sophisticated gadgets which attract more consumers in purchasing. Besides these services and products, the Apple Company offers its characteristic software products. Task 1 a. The differences between personnel and human resource management Personnel management deals with people employed and its management; and HRM deals with managing employee skills, acquaintance, abilities and aptitudes. Personal management views employees as a money-making or profitable man where he offers his services and gets paid in the form of wage/salary. Therefore, it views employee as equipment which can be purchased and utilized. On the other hand HRM considers employees to be not only economic but also as social and psychological. This approach regards employee as a complete man and are viewed as a reserve or source for his services rendered. Personnel management considers employees as charge centre and hence expenses of employment are maintained by the management whereas in HRM employees are treated as profit centres and hence put in capital for human resources development and future effectiveness. Personnel management uses employees for organizational benefits while HRM uses them for the multiple mutual benefits of the organization, employees and the family members. HRM is a function of strategic management and it lays much emphasis on strategic fit and integration (Armstrong, 2006, p. 19), while in personnel management, personnel functions are considered supplementary. The HRM functions in terms of its contribution to organizational purpose. Managerial functions and Operational functions together constitute to the Human Resource Management functions. Managerial functions include Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling. All these functions are important towards the contribution to organizational purpose. The operational functions include Employment, Human Resource development (HRD), Compensation and Human Relations. b. The role and responsibilities of a line manager The line manager plays an important role in the Apple Company. The responsibilities in the performance and development system are diverse and require varying skills for effective management. The line authority is direct authority exercised by a supervisor or manager over his subordinates so that his orders and instructions are carries out in a proper manner. A line manager is considered as generalist of an organization, who directs his subordinates and delegates authority and has power to vote. He makes the operating decisions and bears the final responsibility. The role manager has to motivate his employees, subordinates to work effectively and maximize the potential by identification and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Binge Drinking Among College Students and Consequences Essay Example for Free

Binge Drinking Among College Students and Consequences Essay Binge drinking is a problem that has continued to have a toll on the lives of college students despite efforts by the government and school administrators to curb the trend. Many studies have been conducted to reveal the facts behind binge drinking in colleges and campuses. It is clear that for the problem of binge drinking in colleges to be resolved, it must all start by understanding the factors that influence college students to engage in this behaviour and the impacts that binge drinking have had on the lives of college students. This is because students who do engage in binge drinking have their reasons to justify their behaviour but often have failed to recognize the magnitude of risks that they are exposed to by binge drinking. Among the government initiatives to reduce this problem has been to increase the national drinking age though this has not had much impact on the level of binge drinking among college students according to several studies. It is worth noting that many students have been indulging in binge drinking with the excuse that it is normal as per the culture in their colleges. There are other factors that influence college students to binge drink including environmental, social, developmental, and cognitive factors. Though most students who binge drink defend their behaviour by citing the positive side of binge drinking such as curbing stress and elevating self-confidence, the consequences are often costly and regrettable. This essay provides an argument on the factors that influence college students to indulge in binge drinking, including the various false beliefs about alcohol consumption. In addition, the essay will shed light on the consequences of binge drinking and show that contrary to the tendency of college students to glamorize binge drinking, it is a risky and costly endeavour. Binge drinking has been defined as heavy episodic alcohol consumption in which men end up taking five or more drinks in a si tting while women take four or more drinks in a sitting (Nelson and Wechsler 287). The prevalence of binge drinking on college campuses has remained high, posing serious health, academic, social, and legal implications. In order to understand binge drinking, it is worth mentioning that drinking is measured in terms of frequency or quantity. While quantity refers to how much, frequency is concerned with measuring how often consumption takes place. A drinking behaviour qualifies as binge drinking if large quantities of alcohol are consumed within a short time frame (Binge Drinking). By looking at the history and prevalence of binge drinking among college students, it leaves no doubt that changing drinking age over time has had little impact on the prevalence of drinking on college campuses. Beer drinking among college students is not a new phenomenon as tales dating back to 19th century are told of college students engaging in drinking. A survey conducted by Yale University researchers in 1949 gave an idea of the prevalence of drinking on college campuses. The survey found that 6% of women and 17% of men engaged in drinking more than once per week. In the 1960s and 70s the minimum drinking age in many states was set at 18 to agree with the requirement that those joining the military ought to be old enough to drink (Dietz 88). However, this action only paved way for increased drinking on college campuses given that now drinking was legal. The government had to act swiftly to arrest this trend and in 1984, the minimum drinking age was set at 21. Even then, the level of drinking remained almost the same as most college students had attained this age and thus regarded themselves as being entitled to drink (Krock). Drinking rates over the past 20 years have remained relatively at the same level and now it is estimated that 80-90% of college students are into drinking. Heavy drinkers constitute 15-25% of college students and 44% of college students report frequent or occasional binge drinking (Dietz 88). These statistics are indicative of the fact that binge drinking is a problem that is deep rooted in other factors such as the kind of cultures in colleges, environmental, cognitive, and developmental factors. Therefore, altering the national drinking age while it has shown positive impacts in the general population in terms of decreasing the prevalence of binge drinking, cannot offer a comprehensive solution to the same problem in colleges (Krock). The culture of drinking on campus has contributed a great deal to the high prevalence of binge drinking. While acknowledging the fact that unique cultures exist among individual colleges, these individual cultures harbour certain sub-cultures that encourage excessive consumption of alcohol. Within these sub-cultures, a common message is perpetuated that drinking is a normal and essential component of social interaction. Therefore, many college students conduct themselves in a manner that agrees with what the prevailing culture dictates (Ho pe and Ham 727). The culture of drinking on college campuses is composed of a number of elements. The first element is drinking events which encourage students to indulge in drinking to mark certain events (Dietz 89). In the same way that universities and colleges have a strong sense of tradition, the drinking culture has deep roots in most colleges. Therefore, many students engage in binge drinking in the process of honouring certain events that to them require people to drink in order for the commemoration to have real meaning (Dietz 89). In as much as the culture of drinking in many colleges and universities is difficult to do away with, it has only served to make students make the wrong decision of involving themselves in heavy episodic drinking characteristic of binge drinking. The bottom line is that in the disguise of marking particular events, many college students involve themselves in binge drinking thus exposing themselves to detrimental consequences. Drinking games is an element of drinking culture in colleges that have contributed to the high prevalence of binge drinking. In some colleges, students have tended to glamorize the aspect of drinking alcohol to the extent that drinking gam es are held in which students compete in drinking alcohol. Some drinking games are highly competitive while others just dictate rules regarding how much participants are expected to drink (Dietz 89). Nevertheless, the fact is that whether a drinking is highly competitive or not, by the virtue of portraying drinking as totally harmless, such games have encouraged binge drinking to the detriment of many students. It is true to say that in order to create opportunities for excessive drinking, students in many colleges have perpetuated drinking games entrenched in the culture of drinking. A good example of a drinking game in colleges is Beer Pong in which 6-16 cups partially filled with alcohol are taken by each team. The person playing the game is expected to throw a ping-pong ball aiming at the opponent’s cup across the table. If the ball lands into the partially filled cup, the opponent has to drink the content. The team that runs out of cups first is considered the loser (Dietz 89). By considering the nature of such a game, it is prudent to note that its objective is to encourage excessive drinking judging by the number of cups involved. Therefore, students who get involved in such games more often than not end up binge drinking in the name of having fun but in reality exposes themselves to negative consequences. Another important factor which makes college students to indulge in binge drinking is the kind of choices they make in terms of the groups they want to identify themselves with given that college students are eager to have a sense of belonging. One study targeting to investigate how college students seek to have a sense of belonging revealed that those students who joined Greek organizations drank consistently and more heavily than those who did not join Greek societies (Hensley). Greek societies are known to be prevalent in colleges and often entice students to join them in order to gain a sense of brotherhood or sisterhood. However, many students who agree to join these organizations are exposed to a life of excessive drinking in the disguise of obeying induction rituals. Eventually, the life of excessive drinking becomes part and parcel of these students (Dietz 90). While it is understandable that many students joining college are eager to identify themselves with particular groups or organizations, it is expected of them to make prudent decisions which would not compromise their studies and their lives in college. Unfortunately, many students have ended up in binge drinking through making inappropriate decisions only to realize when things go terribly wrong. Athletics is also another element of college culture whereby, students take the moment as an excuse for drinking but then end up binge drinking. When students drink excessively during sporting events, they often cause incidences and fall in trouble with authorities. Drunken fans are known for causing chaos during and after games irrespective of the game outcome. Consequently, property may be damaged and both bystanders and the rioters suffer serious injuries (Dietz 91). For students who binge drink because of sporting events, it is just a flimsy excuse and the consequences are often regrett able. Therefore, drinking games, sporting events, traditional drinking events, and Greek organizations are the elements of the culture of drinking on college campuses which make many students involve themselves in binge drinking. Unfortunately, the notion that alcohol is essential for complete social life on campus is a misconception whose consequences are harmful. Apart from the culture of drinking, college students are influenced into binge drinking by environmental, developmental, and cognitive factors. Regarding the environment, logic dictates that the way someone behaves is more often than not influenced by what is going on in the surrounding. Therefore, when students drink in environments where people have carried alcohol to drink, drinking games are being played, hard alcohol is available in plenty, and the people around are intoxicated; binge drinking can always be predicted. On the other hand a drinking environment where drinking is taking place in a family setting, in the context of dating or where food is available, studies have shown that in such environments, binge drinking is very unlikely (Dietz 92). Though this suggestion carries weight, it is paramount to reckon that studies that have been done on such environmental implications on the likelihood of binge drinking have been largely correlational. What this means is that though the first kind of environment may contribute to the occurrence of binge drinking, it is also a possibility that those students who indulge in binge drinking are already present in such an environment. Therefore, it would be difficult to determine for instance whether playing of drinking games in such an environment resulted from the presence of binge drinkers or whether students ended up binge drinking because of being in an environment where people played drinking games (Dietz 92). Nevertheless, it leaves no doubt that depending on the kind of environment that students expose themselves to, the likelihood of binge drinking either increases or decreases. Cognitive factors constitute another influential force which has led many college students to develop binge drinking behaviour. The cognitive influences are deeply rooted in misleading beliefs about alcohol, the notion that binge drinking is something that is acceptable, and misinformation about the effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Regarding the false beliefs or myths that some college students confidently hold on to, there are those who believe that everybody is engaging in binge drinking and thus experiences similar negative consequences (Binge Drinking). This is a misguided thought because a significant percentage of college students do not engage in binge drinking. At the same time, the negative consequences experienced by those who indulge in binge drinking vary and cannot be the same. For instance, according to the direct effects model, binge drinking consequences are determined by both the drinking beliefs and the binge drinking tendencies. Going by this model, students who hold more risky myths such as â€Å"everybody is doing it† is more likely to experience harsher consequences. This is because; such students are often lured into thinking that binge drinking cannot make them suffer physical harm. Consequently, they are more likely to involve themselves in highly risky behaviours after binge drinking and hence experience more severe consequences compared to those who do not hold such a myth (Turrisi, Wiersma and Hughes 343). Another myth among binge drinkers is that binge drinking enhances sexual performance and sex appeal. The fact is that binge drinking predisposes students to risky sexual behavior in which some students may engage in unprotected sex which can lead to the contraction of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (DeSimone 2). In fact binge drinking causes disorientation and those who engage in it are incapacitated from making rational decisions when they are drunk. The belief that their sex appeal is enhanced is misguided. There is also the belief among those who attempt to justify binge drinking that binge drinking is a remedy for stress and that it can enhance social interaction. On the contrary, binge drinking has been associated with hangovers and even suicidal thoughts. Binge drinking does not enhance social interactions but instead it triggers quarrels, arguments, fights, and incidences of blacking out and vomiting (Wechsler). Others believe that alcohol is not harmful to the body. Again, such a belief is the total opposite of the fact since alcohol consumption has been associated with serious health consequences including alcohol poisoning. The other aspect of cognitive influences is that some students will engage in binge drinking because they perceive the behavior as acceptable in the eyes of their parents and friends. In other words, they find consolation in the idea that binge drink is not bad after all since their parents and friends do not show any disapproval of the behavior (Dietz 94). Developmental factors also help to explain why college students engage in binge drinking. It is worth noting that once students reach this level of maturity, they naturally develop the desire to be regarded as mature adults who can make independent decisions and be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Therefore, binge drinking behaviour among many college students emanate from this desire to assert their adulthood. Moreover, college students are usually at their prime physically and thus they feel much confident in terms of being able to withstand the impacts of drinking alcohol which may also lead them into drinking excessively (Dietz 91). Though regarded as normal development, the fact that college students are likely to regard as adult hypocrisy anti-drinking messages from people, only puts them at more a vulnerable position. It is also noteworthy that college students are at a stage of critical social and emotional development. For instance, this is a time that they experience a higher level of autonomy since their parents are not around to monitor them. This increased freedom makes many students to make autonomous decisions and often experiment with behaviours that their parents had forbidden them. Moreover, many college students are still continuing with the process of devel oping their identity and in the process, often indulge in behaviours such as binge drinking in search of more sensational experiences (Hope and Ham 727). Peer influence is usually at the centre of identity development as students try to fit in new environments with a sense of belonging. Therefore, given that in many colleges students are confronted with a drinking culture, it is not a wonder that some result to binge drinking. However, many students fail to realize that with more freedom comes the need to be more responsible. This is because too much freedom without a sense of self-control or restraint is harmful. In this regard, in as much as certain developmental factors are normal, it cannot be justified as the excuse for engaging in heavy drinking. Binge drinking has a wide range of negative consequences which many college students fail to foresee before plunging themselves into the risky behaviour of binge drinking. Some students do not think that binge drinking can lead to any immediate negative consequence while others lean on the belief that alcohol does not pose harm to the body at all. Such notions are null and void given th at bingers are often caught in a wide range of crises such as engaging in unplanned or unprotected sex and getting into trouble with the authorities. In addition, bingers are more likely to engage in dangerous acts such as driving while drunk than nonbinging drinkers. Drunk driving is a major cause of car accidents and many young people have lost their lives because of it (Nelson and Wechsler 290). Some of the beliefs about the benefits of binge drinking among college students include the idea that by binge drinking, one can get more sexual opportunities. On the contrary, binge drinking only serves to make bingers behave irresponsibly and engage in risky sexual behaviours such as unplanned or unprotected sex. Consequently, some may contract STIs and HIV/AIDS which is a very high price to pay for being irresponsible. Unwanted pregnancy is another possible outcome of binge drinking which adds to the social burden and compromises the studies of the affected student. Contrary to the notion that binge drinking helps to relieve stress, one of its notable consequences has been the increased risk of committing suicide among college studen ts. Given that 67% of suicide incidences in colleges result from alcohol abuse, the idea that binge drinking causes relaxation is a nonstarter (Wechsler). The health consequences associated with binge drinking are severe. For instance, liver cancer is a fatal illness which can lead to death if not treated early. Another terrible consequence of binge drinking is alcohol poisoning which is a health condition that is not reversible once it occurs. This is a fact which is contrary to what people believe that alcohol poisoning can be reversed by drinking black coffee, walking, sleeping, or taking a cold bath. Time is the only factor that can determine whether the condition will get better or worse. However, due to the high level of alcohol in the blood, there may be no time for the alcohol level to decrease. Instead, the increase in blood alcohol level may continue even after quitting drinking. Consequently, death can result from interruption of breathing functions or the patient may choke on his/her vomit while unconscious (Do You Understand Binge Drinking?). Binge drinking causes students to be left behind in school work and academic performance of binge drinkers is rendered poor. For instance, due to hangovers and disorientation that comes with excessive drinking, students often fail to complete their assignments or to attend lectures. Consequently, their grades continue to deteriorate and their academic life may become a nightmare (Hensley). Such outcomes are contrary to the notion among young binge drinkers that they have the ability to control the effects of excessive drinking. The fact is that the consequences of binge drinking are stronger than one may try to imagine and many students only regret later when it is too late. The second hand effects of binge drinking are also real and come in the form of insults, sleepless nights, unwanted sex advance, arguments, and a ssaults (Wechsler). From this discussion, it leaves no doubt that binge drinking is highly prevalent on college campuses, something that has been contributed by different factors. This is supported by the evidence of many studies showing that despite the national drinking age being increased to 21, binge drinking especially among female students has increased. The consequences of binge drinking are detrimental. This has been witnessed in the form of the escalating cases of road accidents which has cost many lives of college students. Despite the belief among many college students that alcohol consumption enhances social interaction and sex appeal, binge drinking results in quarrels, arguments, and risky sexual behavior. In addition, students who binge drink have often found themselves in trouble with authorities. Poor academic performance due to inability to focus is a big problem among binge drinkers. Contrary to the belief that alcohol releases stress, statistics have proved otherwise. In fact, incidences of suicide have been on the rise among binge drinkers. The notion among binge drinkers that they are able to control the impacts of alcohol is a nonstarter given the high incidences of rape, assault, and vandalism among college students who binge drink. Regarding the culture of drinking in most colleges, this is something that bingers lean on as an excuse for their behavior. Issues of autonomy and the urge to identify with particular groups though real only imply that individual students must make prudent choices amidst the pressure. It all has to start by correcting the misconceptions and wrong attitudes among college students. Nevertheless, binge drinking remains a nagging issue whose consequences are a threat to many generations. Annotated Bibliography 1. Binge Drinking. n.d. Web 25 Nov 2011 . This article presents an argument regarding the way binge drinking has been defined by researchers and helps the reader to understand the controversy surrounding what actually amounts to binge drinking. It acknowledges that binge drinking is characterized by repeated intoxication with alcohol which makes a person become careless and abandon his/her responsibilities. In this case, it is useful in this research paper in terms of shedding light on what amounts to binge drinking and the possible consequences. It also alludes to the fact that binge drinking is still prevalent on college campuses. However, it points out that most of the research results about binge drinking on colleges have not reflected the real picture of the situation. 2. DeSimone, Jeff. Binge Drinking and Risky Sex among College Students. 2010. Web 25 Nov 2011 . This article is useful in this research to the extent of addressing one of the main consequences of binge drinking; risky sexual behaviour. The information in the article is presented in form of a report based on research aimed at finding out the relationship between binge drinking and risky sexual behaviour among college students aged between 18 and 24 years. Its findings that binge drinking increases promiscuity and inability to opt for safer sex such as condom use help to build on the paper’s argument. However, it fails to recognize other numerous negative consequences of binge drinking besides risky sexual behaviour. 3. Dietz, Christine M. Development of Binge Drinking Behavior in College Students: A Developmental Analysis. Graduate Journal of Counseling Psychology (2008): 1(1), pp. 86-96. The journal presents valuable information on the factors that influence college students to engage in binge drinking. It extensively addresses the culture of drinking in most colleges which many students lean on as an excuse for intoxicating themselves with alcohol. In addition, the journal discusses the developmental, cognitive, and environmental factors that play a big influential role in binge drinking. The information in the journal is quite useful in this research paper as it presents a broad picture of what has led to the high prevalence of binge drinking on college campuses. However, it falls short of addressing the details of the consequences of binge drinking. 4. Do You Understand Binge Drinking? 2011. Web 25 Nov 2011 . This is an article that explores in a brief but precise manner, what binge drinking is, the myth surrounding binge drinking, and the main health consequences of binge drinking. It helps to build the argument that contrary to what many college students perceive as being invincible to harm, binge drinking is a monster that induces slow death regardless of age. 5. Hensley, Laura G. College Student Binge Drinking: Implications for a Constructivist Approach to College Counseling. Journal of College Counseling (2001): Vol 4. T he journal covers the most fundamental elements presented in this research paper in the form of an argument. It begins by explaining the prevalence of binge drinking and the factors causing this trend such as students joining Greek societies and succumbing to peer pressure. It then highlights the behavioural, health, and academic negative consequences that result from binge drinking. Though the information is useful in building an argument, the journal presents it in form of a report or literature review. 6. Hope, Debra A and Lindsay S Ham. College students and problematic drinking: A review of the literature. Clinical Psychology Review (2003): Vol 23, pp. 719-759. This journal review explores the problem of excessive drinking among college students by citing the findings of a number of studies that have been conducted in the past. It acknowledges the importance of considering frequency and quantity when defining binge drinking. Besides highlighting the consequences of binge drinking, it also explores other aspects such as gender difference in the likelihood of excessive drinking. Nevertheless, it contributes to the research paper since it also addresses factors such as sensation seeking, personality and environmental factors, and cognitive processes as influencing college students to engage in binge drinking. 7. Krock, Becca. Higher drinking age lowers binge drinking for all except college students. 2009. Web 25 Nov 2011 . The article presents important findings from a recent study which revealed that though the national drinking age was set at 21 and has remained so since 1984, the effects on the level of binge drinking among college students have not been significant. However, the article points out that a major decline in the prevalence of binge drinking among teenagers has been noted. The article is relevant to the research paper since it helps the reader to see that altering the drinking age is not enough to curb the issue at hand. The main idea in the article is that since most college students are already 21 years and above, it’s legal for them to drink and the situation is exacerbated by other factors. 8. Nelson, Toben F and Henry Wechsler. Binge Drinking and the American College Student: Whats Five Drink? Psychology of Addictive Behaviours (2001): 15(4), pp. 287-291. The journal article discusses the importance of the clinical five/four measure of binge drinking in evaluating its various consequences. By citing findings about the consequences of binge drinking among college students, the article helps to build the argument presented in this paper. The article notes that there is a huge difference in the severity of binge-drinking consequences between bingers and non-bingers. However, the article does not address the fundamental factors that influence students to engage in binge drinking. 9. Turrisi, Rob, Kimberly A Wiersma and Kelli K Hughes. Binge-Drinking-Related Consequences in College Students: Role of Drinking Beliefs and Mother-Teen Communications. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2000): 14(4), 342-355. The information presented in this journal article is highly relevant to the argument since it not only focuses on the false beliefs about alcohol among college students but also the relationship between these beliefs and the consequences. For instance, the article asserts the findings that a direct relationship exists between drinking beliefs and binge-drinking consequences. However, there is no direct relationship between drinking beliefs and consequences when it comes to health matters and physical risk. Overall, the article helps the reader to understand the phenomenon of binge drinking in terms of why students engage in it and the difference in the nature of consequences expected by bingers and the actual consequences. 10. Wechsler, Henry. Binge Drinking on Americas College Campuses. 2009. Web 25 Nov 2011 . In this article, the question of binge drinking is discussed in light of its prevalence which according to the article has remained relatively steady. At the same time, the article notes that more dangerous forms of binge drinking have been on the rise. The far-reaching consequences of binge drinking including alcohol poisoning, poor academic performance, vandalism of property, and physical harm have been highlighted. It helps to underscore the fact that by believing that they are able to control the effects of alcohol, many college students have only predisposed themselves to harm.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Definition Of A Product Life Cycle Marketing Essay

Definition Of A Product Life Cycle Marketing Essay A product is anything which is capable of satisfying customers needs. Product includes both physical or tangible products (mobile,car, type writer, computer, bike) and intangible products or services (health care, banking, insurance). Definition of a Product Life Cycle define what a product life cycle is: It is the period of time over which an item is developed, brought to market and eventually removed from the market. OR The stages through which a product develops over time is called Product Life Cycle (PLC). OR The product life cycle is MARKETING CONCEPT that describes the way the revenues from the sale of a product behave over time. Stages of a Product Life Cycle The product life cycle is broken down into four phases: Introduction Growth Maturity Decline The Product Life Cycle (PLC) Curve plc, product life cycle curve For all products, the life cycle is drawn is the form of a mount shaped curve. The starting of the curve marks the introduction stage; the slope indicates growth stage; top of the curve signifies maturity; and the graph ends in the decline stage. Theory of PLC: Biological Life Cycle Versus Product Life Cycle The concept of Product Life Cycle is based on biological life cycle. For instance, when a seed is planted (introduction); it begins to pullulate (growth); it shoot out flowers and leaves (maturity); and after a defined period of time, it starts to shrink and eventually die out (decline). Human beings also pass through the same phases of introduction, growth, maturity and decline in their lives. The same theory applies to a product. When a new product is launched in the market, it starts gaining customers; then it stabilizes and becomes mature; then after some time, it is taken over by the introduction of better and superior competitors therefore, it is withdrawn or harvested from the market. Benefits of Using a Product Life Cycle for Revenue MARKETING managers consider product life cycle as an important measure of sales revenues. As you can see it from the figure, the slope of the curve denotes the sales of a particular product. The more the slope then more the sales. When a product is introduced in the market, the sales are negligible. Due to marketing promotion efforts, the demand of product starts to rise and as a result some revenue is generated. When more and more customers begin to buy the product, the revenues of the product reaches to maximum; this stage is called maturity. A product can stay in maturity for several weeks, months or years depending on the external and internal market conditions and resources. Finally, when a product better in features and functions is launched by a competitor into the market, the sales starts to decline; in some cases, companies have to disengage their products or services. Product Life Cycle Management (Marketing)/ PLCM Product life cycle management (or PLCM) is the succession of strategies used by business management as a product goes through its developmental life cycle. The conditions involving the promotion and sales of a product, involving market saturation and advertising vary over time and must be managed as it moves through the different stages of succession. What is Marketing Mix? A marketing mix is a pre-planned assortment of all those controllable elements which are involved in the planning of a products marketing. they include the following 4Ps Product (often substituted by Presentation) Price Place Promotion These four elements are adjusted until the correct combination is reached befitting the requirements of a products customers, while generating optimum income. How to Create a Product Life Cycle First Stage Introducing the Product : Brand Building For the product life cycle to begin, the product must be launched in the market. This is done after target market is identified and ensured that the need for your product or service exists. At this stage, sales will be very low because customers are not really aware about the product and its benefits. Generating Demand: Promotion, Advertising, Marketing The cost of advertising and initial distribution is very high as companies intend to create awareness of the product and target early adopters. The goal is to build market and generate demand. Stage 1 Marketing Mix Implications You need to have a fair idea of marketing mix implications for each stage. Product Products are very less in number Price Some companies keep the price to high so as to cover their costs whereas others tend to keep it low so as to attract more and more early adopters. Distribution Initially, the distribution is done selectively Promotion Creation of awareness is the only goal of the promotion Growth Watch how the product is establishing market and making profit in comparison to the competitors. Maintain the focus on the promotion efforts. Notice how slowly or rapidly the product is gaining customers and generating profits. More and more retailers will be interested in carrying your product. Remember the goal of growth phase is to increase sales and gain customer preference. Second Stage Stage 2 Marketing Mix Implications Product Improvement of the product quality. Price If the demand of the product is high, price is maintained at high level whereas; if you want to target additional customer segments, reduce the price. Distribution To intensify distribution, discounts are offered to the retailers. Promotion Improved the promotional efforts. Maturity You will observe that your product has met market saturation. Eventually, there will be a marked increase in sales and it will become a challenge for the marketing and sales team to maintain the market share as new competitors would be penetrating into the market. Increase promotional efforts and offer more discount to the retailers in order that they give your more shelf space than competitors. The goal of maturity stage is to extend product life cycle while maintaining market share. Third Stage Stage 3 Marketing Mix Implications Product Product is differentiated from those of competitors Price Maximum possible reduction in prices to be made Distribution Retain existing distributors by offering discounts as well as searching for more channels of distribution Promotion Intensive promotion efforts in order to establish brand loyality Decline Carry out amarketing analysis or a survey to find out how customers perceive the product currently. If the interest and demand is low, think of ways to take the product back to profit making position. Possible ways could be the creation of new target segment and making modifications in the product. The goal of decline stage is either to maintain the product or discontinue it. Fourth Stage Stage 4 Marketing Mix Implications Product Fewer products left in the product line. Price If the product is to be maintained, the prices are retained. In case of termination, prices are reduced to liquidate inventory. Distribution Channels are phased out gradually. Promotion Advertising expenditure reaches a minimum level Examples of Product Life Cycle (PLC) Set out below are some suggested examples of products that are currently at different stages of the product life-cycle: INTRODUCTION GROWTH MATURITY DECLINE Third generation mobile phones Portable DVD Players Personal Computers Typewriters E-conferencing Email Faxes Handwritten letters All-in-one racing skin-suits Breathable synthetic fabrics Cotton t-shirts Shell Suits iris-based personal identity cards Smart cards Credit cards Cheque books Popular Cases of Product Life Cycles Pepsi Product Life Cycle Development Coca Cola Product Life Cycle Development Kellogs Product Life Cycle Development Apple Product Life Cycle Development Nokia Product Life Cycle Development